Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Three Wake-Ups

That's it.  Just three more wake-ups before we had back to Canon City for another prison break.

Shoe's on the other foot this time. Jay is the one hoping to get chosen by the perfect horse, and I'm just going to look at and pet the pretty horses.

I'm sure he'll get chosen by a great horse and in about a week, Skeeter will have a new brother.

Is it weird that I can't sleep with excitement, and it's not even my horse?


Unknown said...

Not weird at all! Super exciting :)

Dreaming said...

I'm excited for you.
I laughed at the 'wake-ups'. When my boys were little we marked time by how many sleeps we had. Wake-ups are so much more positive.

Brenda said...

It's super exciting. I hope a horse picks Jay like Skeeter picked you.