Sunday, July 15, 2012

Horse Master Cast/Crew

I'm having some problems getting my thoughts in order for this post, so while I try to put my thoughts in some semblance of order, I thought I'd share our crew photo with you.
Back row: me, Steve (camara)
Front row: Susie, Cheryl, Heidi (Producer), Julie (Star), Jackie, Lucy, Sditta
It's not often that we get Steve in front of the camara, but after some good-natured coersion, we managed.

Cheryl is Julie's Wardrobe Wrangler - she makes sure that everyone is looking their best.  She also was a cast member this time, so she was pulling double duty.  When it came time for her interview, Steve told her to go to a specific location, but she refused, telling him, "I'd rather do my first take here".  He said okay and this is what we got...

Note: Rachel, I added a transcript for the video, but I'm not quite sure how it works.


Momma Fargo said...

LOL. Very clever...perhaps a future in rap?

Once Upon an Equine said...

I like it!

Rachel said...

GAAAAAHHHH! I am dying to understand this, because obviously she's got some moves. The transcription thing isn't showing up anywhere:( Sorry - I know you put all that effort into it!