Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Feature - Ride of the Week

I follow a lot of equi-blogs in many different disciplines, and though I only have a handful of followers, I can tell by my site statistics that I've got a lot more lurkers (or my followers can't get enough of my writing and read each post a hundred times).  I love reading different horse/ride stories and had a brilliant idea last night...what if I had a "Ride of the Week" featuring different bloggers?

So, in light of my brilliant, but not very original idea - after all, people have been doing guest blogs since blogging began - beginning in March I will host a different equi-blogger each week.  We'll keep the Ride of the Week going as long as people have stories they want to share.

Everyone who has ridden or spent any time around horses has a story to tell, so tell it.  You don't have to be a horse owner or expert; I just love reading about other people's experiences and memories of my favorite critter on earth and I'm sure other people do too.  If you are interested in guest blogging, please email me at and put "Ride of the Week" in the subject line.

Go ahead, email me,  I'm waiting...

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