Thursday, October 9, 2014

Two Months

Well, not quite.  It dawned on me last night that yesterday was the two monthiversary of Copper choosing Jay.  He didn't come home until the 15th, but he chose Jay on the 8th of August.  I don't know if I will ever have the words to adequately describe how amazing it is to see someone chosen by a horse.

You. You are my human.
I told Jay this morning that it's like we've always had them, but it's really only been a few of months (two for Jay, five for me).

Here's a run-down (with pics) of what Copper has learned in less than two months:

~ That his human isn't so bad.

Oh, that scratch thing feels good.
~ And he met his new sister.


~ How to knock down his 6' rail on his gentling pen (the day after he came home!)

~ How to supervise his human while he works.

Doin' good work, Dad.
~ How to be caught and haltered.

I do not think I like this.
~ Being dragged around by the face isn't any fun.

~ But spa day is kind of nice.

~ Getting caught and haltered is okay, even if it's crazy Grandpa doing it.

I am a good boy.
~ But getting dragged by the face is still no fun.

I'll come with you because I am a good boy, but it is under protest.
~ That if he tried really hard and didn't put up a fuss, he'd get to "graduate" to the big pen.

Hi Dad.  I like it out here.
~ The new grooming bucket isn't scary.

I helped, Dad.  Now you can find everything.

 ~ Grandma's braids are nice and keep his hair from tangling.

No more dreadlocks
~ The blue saddle pad might feel funny, but it smells like his sister and didn't eat him.

I make this look gooooood.

~ That even though being dragged around by the face is no fun, if he actively participates, he gets to go on a walkabout in the real world.

This is the people barn?
~ That taking a family walk outside of the big pen is a lot of fun, even if he has to remember his manners.

This is nice, Dad.
~ And if he's really good on his walk, he and his sister get a surprise picnic.

Food grows out of the ground?!
~ And after he learned all of that, the hard work began.  In one day, he met the trailer, learned to tie, and wore the bareback pad.

I do not think so Grandpa Beel

That wasn't so bad
I'll just take a nap.
I almost forgot about clicker training.  Grandma and Copper started with targeting and he thinks clicker training is a pretty cool game.

So.  I touch that thing, hear a click and get a treat? Cool.

It might not seem like a lot when compared to events like the Mustang Makeover, where the trainers only have 100 days to train up a horse, but for part-time "training" they've both come a long way and are already great horses. We've got years and years with these two, there's no need to rush them, though it's hard not to feel rushed when we look and see how fast other mustang owners are able to move.


Brenda said...

Wow, it's been five months since you got Skeeter? It doesn't seematter that long. Copper is progressing so nicely.

Allenspark Lodge said...

The fastest way to train a horse is slow! They never forget and they stay happy; that's why we NEVER have to review training after turning them loose for months. Just climb on bareback with a piece of twine and enjoy a ride - right off the trailer!
Bionic Cowgirl

Achieve1dream said...

I agree with Bionic Cowgirl. I'm also surprised it's been five months since you got Skeeter. It seems like it wasn't that long ago, yet it seems like you've had her forever hehe. Funny how time works like that. Happy gotcha-versary for them both. :D Also don't compare your training with other people, especially the mustang makeover, that just puts pressure on you. I think you're taking things at the perfect pace for all of you. You've made great progress with them both and they are relaxed and happy about it all which is the best. :D