Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hobby Horse Blog Hop - Week 15

It's Thursday!  That means it's blog hop time.  The rules are simple: Answer any or all of the following questions, add a question of your own and link up.  Dreaming over at Living a Dream runs this little party every week and I just love it.

1. Tell us about something you experienced which began with a countdown.  I can't believe how timely this question is, as tomorrow starts Camp NaNoWriMo.  We're actually in the countdown stage right now...I have three hours and fourteen minutes until I can start writing on my novel.

2. Count.... What counts for you? Or what do you count?  For the next thirty days, I'll be counting words.  I'll be writing 50k words in thirty days for Camp NaNo.  I've been participating in the November event, National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) for the past three years, but this is the first year I'll be participating in Camp NaNo.  My first year I wrote what was supposed to be a romance, but ended up being a wrangler how-to.  It was a lot of fun, though.

3. Down.... What is a downer for you and what strategies do you use to overcome a depressing situation?  Also a very timely question, as I have a very negative student who contributes to her own depression.  I've assigned her to come up with four positive things for every negative thing she says.  It's something I started doing with my kids when they were younger and have used it myself.  When life sucks, you have to look on the bright side.  Sometimes that's incredibly hard, so by listing four things that are good, even if it's just "I woke up this morning", it can change your attitude.
My question for you: In the spirit of NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNo, if you were to write a novel (or if you have) what would it be about?
I've written - or started - four novels.  The one I'll be working on for Camp NaNo is actually a revision of one I started a couple of years ago.  I'm hoping to have my first book, a compilation of stories I wrote about being a wrangler, published as an e-book by the end of the summer.  It still has to go to the copy-editor and I have to have someone convert it to all formats, but I think I can have it up and ready to go by the end of August.


Dreaming said...

I'm glad that you like Thursday's Blog Hops! That makes me feel great! So... with regards to Question 3... next time I feel down, I'll just remember this!

Love your question! I had a dream, many, many years ago. It haunts me. I think it would make a great novel - drug trafficking, evil characters, a love story. Some day, maybe I'll put it together.

Good luck with your challenge!

Once Upon an Equine said...

Good luck with Camp NaNo. I really admire people who can write a novel. I would love to be able to write, but have never had a great idea that sparks my imagination. I'm not sure what I would write about. I had an idea for a children's book, but even that has not had the proper environment to grow. So I am happy to be a reader of novels, if not a write of novels.